Our school offers extended care program which is included in the tuition fee. The extended stay program runs from 3pm (the end of regular classes) until 5 PM.

During this time, students have the opportunity to participate in various activities that are carefully designed to provide them with interesting and educational content.

The extended stay program in our school is a perfect opportunity for students to acquire new skills, improve their academic performance and create new friendships.

The extended stay service provides parents with peace of mind and security by allowing them to leave their child in the safe hands of qualified teachers after regular classes.



One of the most important activities during the extended stay program is completing homework. Children will work on their homework in groups with their friends, all while being supervised by a teacher.


Richmond Park International Primary School also offers various extracurricular activities that will give your child the opportunity to have fun and make new friends.

In collaboration with sports clubs that have years of experience working with children and young people, we organize activities such as basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, karate, and taekwondo.

Students of our school are entitled to a discount on the monthly membership fee for these activities.



Applications are only open a certain period before the exam.